Places I’ve been featured
Featured Doula and Childbirth Educator.
Natashia is featured as a guest commentator throughout the book.
Listen to Annie Schussler interview Natashia about her intern years and building her private practice while parenting and refining her career.
Facilitating and presenting educational workshop about sexuality during the perinatal time period and beyond.
Contributed a chapter on Postpartum Sexuality to the 2nd edition, just released in 2020.
A podcast where we discuss some things perinatal and all things mental health!
Places I’ve taught and worked with:
Comprehensive Sexuality and Family Life Counselor/Educator with Teens and Parents.
Workshop presenter on maternal sexuality through a feminist perspective.
Former board member and childbirth educator at this long standing perinatal education center.
Guest Speaker on identity politics relating to building community, human rights, and social justice.
Adjunct Professor teaching Masters level students Human Sexuality through a Social Justice Orientation in Psychology.
Marriage & Family Therapist intern working with teens + their families on sexuality, identity, trauma, communication and bonding.
Former Regional Director for Northeast on the Board and Doula Trainer through the organization.
Guest speaker on various topics: doulas supporting birth partners, maternal sexuality, doula self-care.
Guest speaker presenting, "From Gourmet Fondue to Mac-n-Cheese: Intimacy During the Early Years of Parenting
Adjunct Professor teaching Human Sexuality and Group Therapy through a Social Justice Orientation in Psychology.
Guest speaker presenting on maternal sexuality through a feminist perspective.
Guest Speaker on Critical Sexuality Studies lens in their social media usage, with particular attention to necropolitics.
Awards I’ve been given
I won the 2024 Trends in Psychotherapy Group and Psychotherapy Processes award for my dissertation proposal regarding researching significant and/or therapeutic experiences for group therapy members regarding dealing with sexualized identity differences and social status. This study is being internationally recognized as influential within the field towards understanding how facilitators can be more expansive, using therapeutic environments as emergent spaces for greater social wellness--especially in dealing with issues of difference and social status.
I was inducted into the national honors society for Human Sexuality--Gamma Eta Rho.